Every year in Britain, a certain number of people are poisoned and often killed as a result of carbon monoxide poisoning. Carbon monoxide is so dangerous because it is invisible and has not taste or smell and is therefore only detected after it is too late.
Recent government legislation has come into effect which means that landlords must install carbon monoxide detectors in any room that contains a solid fuel burning combustion appliance, like a boiler.
Faulty or
badly installed gas appliances are responsible for many deaths by carbon monoxide poisoning (as well as a range of other accidents) so this piece of legislation is important in making tenants safer and able to do something before it’s too late.
Any plumber or heating installer will want to ensure that they are providing the best possible service to their customers along with making sure the work they carry out is done safely and responsibly, with strict adherence to the law and manufacturers instructions.
They should be advising customers to do the following to ensure they remain safe:
- Have annual maintenance done on all gas appliances but an
registered Gas Safe Engineer. Tenants should make sure they follow this up with landlords if it’s not being done already.
- Familiarise themselves with signals that their appliances are not working correctly. These include such things as high levels of condensation, black marks around an appliance or a weak yellowy orange flame, rather than a strong blue one.
- Being aware of the typical symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning - dizziness, headaches, nausea, breathlessness, collapse and a loss of consciousness.
- Install a carbon monoxide detector/alarm. If one is already fitted, ensure it’s working and the battery is not flat by pressing the test button.
- Check that the person doing the work is Gas Safe registered and that they have a valid Gas Safe Id card.
Carbon monoxide poisoning can be deadly and is a very serious subject so it’s important that installers are making homeowners, landlords and tenants aware are aware of how to keep safe. Many people are simply unaware of the dangers of carbon monoxide so having helpful and communicative installers will go a long way to educating the general public on the matter.
Article by Benjamin Clarke
The importance of annual heating maintenanceÂ
7th Jul 2015Â
How to find a decent plumberÂ
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The quest to stop illegal gas fitters with the Gas Safe RegisterÂ
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