5 easy ways to make your home more eco-friendly
- Aluminium radiators
- Thermostatic Radiator Valves
- Combi boilers
- Programmable thermostats
- Chemical inhibitor
Aluminium radiators

Great heat conductor
Firstly, aluminium is a very good conductor of heat. In terms of radiator materials, this gives it an advantage over other metals because it can get up to the desired temperature very quickly. So, rather than wasting a lot of energy on getting the heat in your room up to the level you want it, radiators made of aluminium will heat up fast. This uses less water, gas and electricity and will result in your having lower energy bills over the following weeks, months and years.Lightweight metal
Secondly, aluminium is a very light metal and is able to be reshaped very easily without losing its strength. Not only does this mean that you get some more extravagant radiator designs than other metals, it also means aluminium radiators are easier to transport. This results in lower transportation costs and those savings are usually passed onto the consumer making aluminium radiators excellent value for money.Thermostatic Radiator Valves

How TRVs work
Let us assume you have already installed thermostatic radiator valves on a radiator in one of your rooms. You walk into the room and it feels cold. You put your hand on the radiator and it feels hot. The number on the TRV is set at number 3 out of 10. So what do you do to ensure the room gets hot? If you think that you should turn up the TRV to 10, you are incorrect and will not get the benefit of having TRVs installed. If you think you should leave the setting exactly as it is then you are correct. The reason is because the TRV is responding to the temperature in the room. It senses that the room is cold and has turned on the radiator to in order to warm the room up. Once the room reaches the desired temperature the TRV will cause the radiator to cut out so as not to waste energy. If you had turned the TRV up to 10, the radiator would never cut out even when the desired temperature had been reached. It would continue to pump out heat and thus defeating the energy saving reasons for installing a thermostatic radiator valve.Combi boilers

A boiler providing 2 functions
If you have an old heating system, then it's likely that you have a boiler for providing the hot water to your heating system and an additional water tank that provides the hot water to your taps and shower. A combi boiler provides a combination of each of these tasks, having the ability to provide the water to radiators and to your taps and shower. This means you don't have a large water tank taking up extra space, either in the loft or in a cupboard. More importantly, a combi boiler is able to provide hot water when it is needed to your taps and shower. There is no need to wait for the water in the water tank to get hot before you can have a bath of a shower. The hot water will be there on-demand, in real time, no matter how many people are using the water. A combi boiler is a much more efficient way of providing hot water in your home, regardless of if it's for heating or washing, and can be a great way of using less energy and lowering your heating bills in the long run.Programmable thermostats

Turn your thermostat down 1 degree
One of the easiest ways to use less energy, make your home more eco-friendly and save money on your heating bills is to turn your thermostat on your central heating system down by 1 degree. A report by Energy.gov in the USA, found that for every degree that you turn down your thermostat, the average household could expect their heating bills to be 3% lower. Of course everyone's homes and lifestyles are different but it highlights how making a small change can have large impact on how eco-friendly your heating system is over the long term.Chemical Inhibitor

Internal rust & corrosion
Over time, this chemical reaction causes internal corrosion (or rusting) which can lead to very small bits of metal flaking off into your system. These tiny pieces of metal will then settle somewhere in your heating system, either blocking up pipework or at the bottom of radiators. This will cause your boiler and pump to work extra hard to ensure that enough hot water is flowing around your heating system to keep your home warm. Not only does this use more energy, it can also lead to an expensive breakdown of your boiler, due to the fact that it's been overworked.Similar to blocked arteries
You can make the comparison with your body. If you eat a diet that is high in saturated fat, this will slowly cause your arteries to become blocked, making your heart work harder to pump blood around your body. The harder your heart has to work, the more likely you are going to have heart problems at some point in the future.Prevention
The good news is that you can seriously slow down or even prevent the internal corrosion from occurring by adding a chemical inhibitor to the water that flows around your system. Mixing engine coolant/antifreeze into the water that goes into your car not only prevents the water in your car from freezing or overheating, it also stops the water from causing rust and corrosion to the inside of your engine. Chemical inhibitor does the same thing to the inside of your heating system. If you don't know when chemical inhibitor was added to your central heating system, then it's likely the levels need topping up. You can get a plumber to do this or you can even perform this simple task yourself. Adding chemical inhibitor to your heating system will ensure that the system runs smoothly, uses less energy and reduces the risk fr a serious heating breakdown.RELATED ARTICLES • Why it's important to keep your central heating system clean • How to fit a thermostatic radiator valve • The benefits of aluminium radiators