Entrepreneurial heating engineers keeping ahead of the game

When we think of entrepreneurs, it’s often tempting to think of Dragons Den or tech-savvy, Silicon Valley whizz kids. However, the likes of plumbers and heating engineers, who are often considered as ‘traditional business owners’, are embracing modern trends, technologies and marketing techniques in order to generate more business and position themselves ahead of others in their sector. Many have realised that the days of putting an ad in the local shop window, or in the local paper is no longer enough to reach new customers. Making the most of the opportunities the Internet can give an up and coming plumber is a sure-fire way to build an increasingly profitable business. Many plumbers have recognised the value of review sites in using customer-written evaluations to inspire trust and confidence among other members of the public looking for a trustworthy plumber. There are also a few excellent examples of social media celebrity plumbers, who have fully embraced platforms like YouTube, Facebook and Twitter to build rapport with customers, offering useful advice and making themselves very open and transparent to all. Having the ability to project yourself effectively and entertainingly, whilst being very aware of the power of your ‘personal brand’ is an incredibly efficient and successful way to reach new audiences and to push your business forward. Of course, as well as learning how to reach new customers, it’s important that plumbers and heating engineers are sufficiently knowledgeable about the heating industry to provide a top quality service once they actually go out and do a job for them. Knowing the latest developments in energy efficient smart control products and being able to provide these choices to customers is highly important when it comes to providing good customer service. It’s also key to be able to assess the differing needs of different types of households and offering them appropriate heating solutions accordingly. The days of getting calls from the yellow pages or a local advert are quickly coming to an end, so keeping abreast of current affairs in the heating industry as well as using the Internet to market yourself correctly is becoming more and more vital for keeping your business progressive and profitable. Article by Benjamin Clarke