Benjamin Clarke

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Winter Heating and Energy Saving Tips

By 26 June 2013 0 comments

For many of us in the UK, the winter weather has either arrived: or is just around the corner. The Christmas season means additional expense to millions: freezing temperatures add further to that burden, we are all looking for ways to help save energy and money, so any tips to help make savings in these times of cuts and energy price rises are most welcome. Listed below you’ll find just a few ideas that may go some way towards this.‹¯¨

Opportunities to save energy costs, and do something positive for the environment are not that difficult, nor necessarily that expensive. Where some energy saving ideas may involve an initial financial outlay…the payback period is often very short – thereafter – you’ll be saving money…your heating bills will be reduced. In saving money – and every little helps!

• So, starting small: why not reduce your carbon footprint – forget paper Christmas and birthday cards, and send e-cards instead.

• Make your own recycled Christmas decorations.

• Use LED light decorations on your tree this year – they use far less energy compared to traditional fairy lights.

• If you like decorating the outside of your home at Christmas, why not use energy efficient solar powered lights. Solar energy is harnessed and stored during the day to provide light at night.

• Energy saving light bulbs last approximately ten times longer than ordinary light bulbs, saving around £30 a year.

• The area where you can often save the most energy, and therefore money, is your central heating boiler. Giving your boiler an annual maintenance check will ensure it’s working to optimum efficiency, and less chance of unexpected and unwelcome breakdowns.

Insulation is crucial to energy saving. Insulating your hot water tank, cavity wall insulation and loft insulation, will all provide immediate benefits: both in the warmth generated, and the running and heating costs. In the latter case, something like 15% of the heat you are paying for could be escaping through your roof if it isn’t insulated properly. This equates to around £175 a year off your heating spend.

It is estimated the average home can make savings of anything up to £300 a year by simply being more energy efficient.
Look closely at your current boiler. How old is it: do you find yourself frequently having to fork out expensive repair charges: where this is the case, you may find replacing your central heating boiler with a new energy efficient one, the most economical thing to do, especially if your boiler is more than 15 years old.

The Energy Saving Trust estimates approximately £886 million a year could be saved if all homes with gas or a G-rated boiler were to fit a condensing boiler.

Solar and Condensing Boiler System

A high efficiency condensing boiler rated for your properties heat requirements.
• High technology controls paired to your boiler for maximum efficiency.
• Unvented hot water cylinder compatible with solar supply.
• Modern radiators sized accordingly & fitted with thermostatic valves.
• Solar panels.

Condensing Boiler Systems

High Efficiency boilers ideal for Larger Homes, features include:
• A high efficiency condensing boiler rated for your homes heat requirements.
• The very latest technology controls paired to your boiler for maximum efficiency.
• An unvented hot water cylinder compatible with solar energy supply.
• Incorporates modern radiators sized accordingly & fitted with thermostatic control valves.

Combi Condensing Boiler Systems

Ideal for the smaller to medium sized home, features include:
• An ‘A’ rated combi condensing boiler rated to your homes heat requirements.
• High technology controls paired to your boiler for maximum efficiency.
• A combi boiler supplies hot water directly from the boiler upon demand.
• Modern radiators sized accordingly & fitted with thermostatic valves.

When the weather becomes very cold the water pipes in your home can freeze very quickly. This can lead to a burst pipe. Water from a burst pipe can cause an awful lot of damage to your home, decoration, furniture and belongings: but, there are some simple steps you can take to help prevent your pipes from freezing:

• Switch the central heating on for short periods throughout the day, if you are out for long periods, set the timer.
• Allow warm air to enter and circulate in your roof space by opening the trap door.
• Leave the cupboard door under the sink unit open. This allows warm air to circulate around water pipes
• Ensure room doors are left slightly open, to allow warm air to circulate freely around the home.
• Know where the stopcock is, in case of emergency.


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Benjamin Clarke

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor i