Benjamin Clarke

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VIDEO - How to Bleed a Radiator

By 24 February 2015

The radiator featured in this video is a Black Saturn Double Designer Radiator

In this video, James, the fully-qualified plumber, explains the reasons you might need to bleed a radiator, as well as taking you through the process step by step.

One of the main reasons you might need to bleed a radiator is when it feels cold at the top, and warm at the bottom. This usually means that there is air trapped in the radiator, most commonly caused by a lack of inhibitor fluid in your system over a long period of time. Inhibitor helps to stop corrosion from occurring inside your heating system and components.

This corrosion can lead to the production of hydrogen and radiator sludge, which can cause a radiator to have hot and cold patches. Although the problem described above is the most common reason for needing to bleed your radiator, there are various other reasons you might need to perform this task.

James runs through all of this in the video to enable you to tackle this issue with confidence with your own radiator, should the need arise.

Here is a breakdown;

1. Find Your Bleed Key
Your radiator should have come with a bleed key but if you can’t find it, you should be able to get a replacement at your local hard ware store. Sometimes you will be able to use a screwdriver so check to see your own specific style of radiator.

2. Turn Off Heating System
Before you start, ensure your heating system is turned off and open the valves at the bottom. If you don’t turn off your heating system you risk more air getting into the system.

3. Prepare for the Worst
As long as you are careful there shouldn’t be any mess or leakage, but it is better to carry a cloth or towel just in case there are drips.

4. Take your time
Slacken the valve slowly and gently slacken the valve to allow the excess air to escape until water begins to escape then close again.

These simple steps as well as the video on how to bleed a radiator, should be enough to see you through sorting your heating problem but if the issue persists it could be any one of a number of problems such as the system pressure dropping, a pipe blockage or the ball valve sticking and you should seek an alternative method to solving the problem.

Remember, if you are unsure about how to carry out maintenance on your radiators it is best to ask for the help of an expert to avoid causing further problems.

Black designer radiators at Trade Radiators

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Benjamin Clarke

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor i