Benjamin Clarke

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How technology can help us reduce water usage in our homes

By 15 August 2016 0 comments
Research suggests that the average person in Europe uses approximately 100 litres of water per day. However, in the UK this figure rises to a staggering 150 litres every day per person. This shows that there clearly needs to be greater education and knowledge instilled in the general public about water conservation which could come from government and from various areas of the construction industry and environmental agencies. There is also a responsibility on manufacturers to improve technology and to ensure that the best and most water-efficient products are being made for use in our homes. A good example is with toilets. Older and more traditional flushing systems, of which there are millions in homes all over the UK, get through a huge 13 litres of water every time the toilet is flushed. Modern flush systems have been designed that use only 4 to 6 litres per flush, which is infinitely better and helps to conserve a large amount of water without the homeowner doing anything to change their behaviour. Such low-water flushing systems are being implemented in new builds, but more installers should be actively encouraging their customers to upgrade to the modern toilets both for financial and moral reasons. Showers systems are also an area for improvement, particularly when it’s understood that many so called ‘power showers’ use more water than you would having a bath. The old myth of a water efficient shower meaning a tiny trickle of water needs to be banished to the history books. There are many shower systems now available that can be water-friendly and still provide a comfortable showering experience. Boiler technology has come on leaps and bounds over the last decade and there is now a huge difference in efficiency, in terms of gas and water usage, between new condensing boilers and old inefficient ‘G Rated’ ones. The newest boilers are operating at over 90% efficiency, whereas the older models, of which there are still millions in operation, function much lower down the efficiency scale. Again, the technology has been introduced, so installers need to make clear to customers that installing an efficient boiler will help them in the long run to have cheaper energy and water bills, as well as making clear the environmental benefits. Having a modern hot water circulating pump within the system is also a way to ensure energy efficiency and water conservation. A modern, high-efficiency pump can save the householder as much as 80% in electricity when compared to an older standard pump. Additionally, installing a variable-speed water booster drive in conjunction with a high-efficiency pump means that the days of having to run the hot tap until the hot water comes through are long gone. This kind of set-up means the hot water will be delivered to the tap or shower at the right pressure and the right temperature without the need for a large amount of water wastage while waiting. Installing modern radiators also plays a large role in using less water as advancements in technology means the newer rads require less hot water to get up to temperature than with older models. One of the best examples of this is with our Aluminium Eco Designer Range of Radiators which use an incredibly low amount of water and, because they are constructed of a metal that is such a high heat conductor, they get up to room temperature very quickly. Not only are they using less water, but they also require less energy to get hot, resulting in a reduction in the homeowners monthly bills. The technology for using less water and less gas and electricity is clearly available. The next step is showing customers how they can benefit from these new technologies so that they will save money on their monthly bills and explaining that they're doing their bit for the environment too. Article by Benjamin Clarke RELATED ARTICLES • Why it's time to upgrade your radiators if they're over 15 years old 13th Aug 2015  • How modern circulating pumps have improved efficiency 19th Nov 2015  • Are cast iron radiators as efficient as modern radiators? 8th Jan 2015   
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Benjamin Clarke

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor i