Benjamin Clarke

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10 Facts To Save On Heating This Year

By 11 April 2016 0 comments

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We all like to stay warm and are tempted to keep the heating on longer than is usually necessary. This can become a costly habit though. Let Trade Radiators guide you through some simple ways to stay warm but at a fraction of the cost.
  • Turn your thermostat down: By turning the thermostat on your radiator down by 1°C can save you over £55 in one year.
  • Keep your radiator on a low heat: By keeping the heating on a low temperature instead of turning it on and off can save you money in the long run.
  • Lock doors and windows: Locking doors and windows properly keeps heat in during cold nights.
  • Change to Eco Showers: By changing to an eco-shower you can save on water consumption.
  • Block the chimney: If your chimney isn’t used you can use a tradesman to cap both ends which will keep air in and save energy.
  • Install a heated towel rail with duel fuel adaptor: Using this type of adaptor with a towel rail allows you to heat the bathroom without using your central heating for the rest of the house.
  • Install a thermostatic radiator valve: By installing this valve you can set temperatures for different parts of the house. Set temperatures higher in rooms that are used often while keeping temperatures low in rooms that not.
  • Insulate the attic door: The attic within your home may be well insulated but the same can’t be said for the attic door. If the door isn’t properly insulated, it could let warm air escape.
  • Get free cavity wall insulation: There are government grants that will help you pay for cavity wall installation. You will keep your house warm and save around £90 per year.
  • Use a radiator shelf: A shelf above the radiator will direct heat into the room rather than letting it rise to the ceiling. Purpose made radiator shelves are inexpensive to purchase.
We’re the experts on heating your home. Check out our website on the latest energy saving radiators or call us on 0141 225 0430 for more information. We are currently working on creating share code so you can share this cool infographic on your site
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Benjamin Clarke

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor i